Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last Weekend in May

Stayed over at Nick and Erin Viti's last night. I met them a few weeks ago at Jesse's wedding and they came to the wiffle ball party last week. Jesse Rowe and his wife, Sarah, were up visiting too and we all went over to the Viti house in South Portland and ate burritos, listened to music and played some beirut. They have a nice house- lots of unique pieces of art and framed photos, a fireplace, and lots of good pieces of furniture. Their kitchen was particularly cool with bench seats next to a slab of mica-looking table.
Breanne was there for dinner but had to work at 7 in the morning so didn't stay terribly late. The burritos had lots of veggies in them and also sweet potato, which I didn't imagine would taste good with burrito fillings but it did.
When beirut started, instead of switching partners, I played as if Breanne were there, throwing with my left hand for myself and my right hand for her. She actually may have had a better night than me, sinking several game clinching shots. I decided not to tell them that I'm slightly ambidextrous.
We played some Wi boxing, bowling and baseball, and I read some Calvin and Hobbes comics after everyone had drifted off to sleep. I slept on a futon and had some strange dreams about Manchester Elementary and a man with a jacket made of gardening gloves but I've lost the plot of the dream.
In the morning we ate breakfast at a place up the road then played some croquet and disc golf. The course was called "Boom Field" and it was on Boom Rd. The family running it were nice- sitting in the giant doorway of the lawn barbecuing with a little blond haired boy in a Varitek shirt running around. It was 5 dollars, flat fee, which is better than what was advertised online (4 for 1 round, 8 for the day). The course was OK, not terribly challenging, but we got a good deal of walking in and only Nick found a tic on himself. He slowly pulled it off completely. I shot -4, but I didn't play very well- it had been a while since I'd gone.
Nick and Erin are game for the next wiffle party, and it sounds like Jesse is, though I'm not sure whether Sarah can make it. I think it will be a good turnout again.

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