Thursday, May 21, 2009

cat's out of the bag

Breanne found out about the piano. I'm not sure if someone told her or she read my blog or what. She actually denied knowing what it was but I can see right through her white lies. So, it's no longer a surprise but she seems excited about having a piano in the house again. It's been 4 or 5 years since we had one- the last time being when she lived in the Cressy apartments in Gorham. Our new plan is to pick it up, together, on Monday, hopefully with some help from friends and/or family members.
Also, I finished the right field wall last night. I hit some line drives over it today, and unfortunately under it, but it looks like it home runs will be challenging to come by in a game setting, what with outfielders and pitchers actually trying to strike you out. The wiffle ball party is in two days and I'm pretty excited about it. Bought some spray paint today to draw the foul lines.

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