Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ghost Town

Just saw Ghost Town, a new film starring Ricky Gervais and Greg Kinnear. It was very strange to see Ricky Gervais in such a sappy and predictable movie, but he did a fine job in it. There were several humorous scenes and pretty much every good joke in the movie fell out of his mouth. The story was basically Ghost without the pottery wheel, but swapping Whoopie for Gervais was a more than fair trade. Anyway, I'm not sure I like seeing Gervais perform roles that he didn't write. I'm not saying that this wasn't a good character for him, it's just that a lot of the jokes and gags that his character, Dr. Pincus, made were below him. I think Hollywood could suit him fine, I just hope he doesn't do too many cameos or too many more movies with Tia Leoni and Greg Kinnear, nothing against Greg. The Other Side of the Truth, which Gervais wrote and stars in, is do out next year. And Karl Pilkington has a bit part in it. I was telling Breanne as were leaving the theatre that I want to see a movie starring Gervais, Pilkington, and Merchant- the three hosts of the podcast. I suggested that Karl's wife is kidnapped and the three of them have to get her back, and a side story pertaining to Monkey news. But anything with the three of them talking to each other would do just fine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A well tasted movie been released and it is none other than Ghost town. as holly wood been accept Ricky Gervais makes his mark with it. They are just arrived with so much enthusiasm. Until the end, never to take eyes away. Because it was a fun based action all around. High quality DVD version and fully Digital sound Guaranteed for grate movie. I watch it on