I am simply recycling some older blogs in hopes of expanding my readership (is that a word?). Some of the newer blogs will be previous posts from Myspace, Facebook, and Manspot (which doesn't exist yet but will probably be the next big thing).
Damn that Michael Crichton. He's sort of like Dan Brown except intelligent. Dan Brown only had one good idea, and it wasn't even his. Crichton has more ideas than a day has jiffies. I love the Jurassic Park movies, I don't care how bad the acting is: Dinosaurs. 'Jurassic Park' was the first Crichton novel I picked up. Even though I knew the story, and the characters were described like it was a pulp novel, the story was just so God damn gripping, and again, I knew the ending! So then I had to read 'Lost World'. Then I read 'Terminal Man'. Then 'Congo'. Keep in mind that there are so many other things I want to read. But Michael Crichton makes it so simple. One can almost doze off while reading one of his books, its that light and fluid. And they read like screenplays. Things develop at that pace. I think nowadays he probably writes the book with a screenplay in mind. And his books are riddled with identical characters. There is always an athletic man, who was very precocious as a kid, could fix anything by taking it apart, graduated college when he was 19, etc. And his love interest, same story intelligence wise, but she's a bossy know-it-all with no desire in a relationship, her only goal is to find the antidote/ancient city/portal/sunken treasure, etc. All disparaging comments on his writing ability aside, Crichton has to be a moderately smart guy. He graduated from Harvard Medical School, was a visiting lecturer for two years on Anthropology at Cambridge, worked at MIT. He also created the show 'E.R.'. But mainly the guy shits best-selling books. And it's obvious why they're bestsellers. They talk about aliens, time warps, dinosaurs, apocalyptic shit, robots. Ask your everyday guy on the street and those are probably his 5 most favorite things.I'm reading 'Timeline' right now. This is it, really, my last one. I just need to find out how that modern bifocal was buried in that catacomb that hadn't been entered in 650 years. How did it get there?
*NEW INFO: following this original blog posting, my opinion of Crichton was boosted greatly. Apparently in his upcoming book he has a character named Mick Crowley, a Yale graduate and a Washington, D.C.-based political columnist. Crowley is also a child molester. Coincidentally, Crichton was publicly derided last year for his stance on global warming by one Michael Crowley, a Yale graduate who happens to be a political columnist in Washington, D.C. Fuck yeah, Crichton!
i once read a dan brown book. perhaps i should have read a crichton one instead.
Dan Brown likes the word facade.
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