Tuesday, October 21, 2008

XM Radio

Breanne and I got free XM radio for 12 months when we purchased our car a year and a half ago. We liked it so much that we resubscribed after a year. I've been obsessed with Time out of Mind, Dylan's 1997 album for the last two weeks, and in my hazy obsession I recalled that Dylan hosted a radio show every week on XM called Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour. I'd heard it a few times in Lebanon, on the car radio, and loved it. Each show has a theme, and he displays his extensive knowledge of music with every show, playing everything- country, soul, rap, bebop, gospel, jazz- whatever. And it's not only reading. Dylan will take phone calls, play old jingles, recite poetry or dreams, give recipes, and discuss musicians and listen to musicians discussing themselves, among other things.
So, for the first time, Breanne and I looked into the online side of XM. We'd only ever used our subscription in the car. It's supposed to be an easy process- setting it up online- but we had some trouble. First of all, our address had changed and for some reason we weren't able to amend this ourselves. Someone on the hot line did it for us. Then our login info wasn't working. We had to call a few times to get this worked out. The last call, Breanne had them change the password to make sure it worked. She told them to change it to "redsox" and they said it was all set. After hanging up, I tried the password. Didn't work. I did a password recovery and it sent the new password to her email. It was "redfox". Fox. Not sure why the person on the other end of the line didn't say, "so fox, the animal right?" or "fox, f as in farmer?" or something.

Either way, we got it hooked up and it works great. We listened to all sorts of shit last night. We went to sleep listening to some Brahms guy. Tomorrow I'll listen to Theme Time Radio hour.

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