Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Trivia at Jimmy's

We finally won trivia at Jimmy the Greeks. Took us long enough. After joining forces with Jesse's team 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 weeks ago- who can say for sure- I thought we'd be rolling into first place every Monday. Not the case. We had a rough stretch, often not even finishing in the top 3. Well this week was different.

It began in unique fashion. Coming straight from practice, we arrived around 6:50, 10 minutes before trivia begins. Tim was the only one there, and he'd been there for 20 minutes without being served. The place was packed and heavy with customers, particularly little kids, all of whom seemed to be under and on tables. Not your typical quiet night at Jimmy's. Tim said that Mrs. Maine was standing behind me and I turned to see a heavily made up 35 yr old trying to look 20. I guess she was alright but I wouldn't have assumed she won any type of pageant. I thought it would be witty to call our team (as we change the name most every time we don't win) Mr. Maine that night, both suggestive and immature. We went with it.
We had a couple of problems fitting two teams at our table, but after moving a section from another table, we were all set. Jesse, his brother Joe, and David arrived a little after 7.
The early rounds were typical, missed a few here and there, someone always says the answer at some point but you go with something else, same old, same old. The major difference between this Monday night and most was Breanne taking charge. She normally will whisper an answer or two in my ear or sheepishly render an answer, but not this Monday. She announced several answers with authority, disagreed with the answers of others and even laid out anecdotes to back up her answers. It was all very impressive. There were a few occasions, when we didn't end up going with her answer, that she was right just the same.
It was her night.
Going into the final question, which allows you to bet all your points if you feel so bold, we were in fourth or fifth place, 30 points or so behind the leaders. The question was something along the lines of: What do bartenders say is the most common complaint they hear from patrons at the bar? Wasn't worded like that exactly, but that's the gist. And most importantly, this "poll" was taken in 2008, not 2009. We threw out all sorts of ideas: marriage, jobs, money, politics, sports, cost of beer, etc. After much debate, we went with "jobs," as regardless of the year, state of the economy, anything; people always complain about their jobs. David was adamantly behind politics being the answer, and I believe it was Joe who wanted marriage. Breanne was on fire that night so we went with her answer. Jesse had scrawled the points race down on a napkin and calculated how much we should wager. We weren't terribly confident with our answer so we bet 10 points- not enough to bury us if we were wrong.
Caleb, the trivia MC, suspensefully read off several wrong answers and climactically announced the final two: it was either Politics or Jobs. We held our breaths and bugged out our eyes and Caleb announced: "All of you who said Politics, you were...... WRONG. The final answer was Jobs." We joined in with a reserved cheer, knowing we weren't the only teams to answer correctly. There were several groans and "ah fuck it" gesticulations around the bar, but everyone waited for the final scores.
First, he announced third place, which lifted our spirits when we heard a total score that we lower than our calculated total, and then the name of the 3rd place team. Then, he announced second place and we cheered to not hear him utter our own name. We had won.
It's the first time I'd ever won trivia in a bar. I'd come in 2nd countless times at numerous bars but had never finished first. It felt good. We had our choice of first place prizes:

$40 gift card to split between the 6 of us (not even 7 bucks a person)
4 tickets to the Portland Sea Dogs.

Had there been four of us, I would have argued all night to keep the baseball tickets. But, everyone seemed to want the gift card and I didn't really care. For me, the biggest prize was finally finishing first at Jimmy the Greeks.

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