Friday, June 5, 2009

John Denver Rambo

In the Rite Aid parking lot, Breanne and I were laughing at her behaviour earlier in the day when she thought someone had swiped our havahart trap. She thought it was missing from the back of the garden and took off into the bamboo thicket, spade in hand, with some harebrained intention of catching a thief. After coming up with several possible, though not plausible, possibilities, I looked in the back of the PT Cruiser and saw the trap sitting on the blue tarp, right where I'd left it.

Back at Rite Aid, we were laughing as Breanne backed up the CRV and mocked herself running into the bamboo, "I was like John Denver!"
I didn't understand the analogy. "What?"
"Wait, I meant Rambo."

That's probably the strangest slip of the tongue I've ever heard.

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