Friday, February 27, 2009


on Wednesday I received 5 calls from an 877 number that I didn't recognize. I was at work all day and always leave my cell phone at home or in the car. There were no messages, so I didn't think much of it. Thursday morning, I received two calls from the same number before 7 am. Finally, the eighth time they called, third time that morning, I answered. I was half in bed, half on the floor (I sleep on a mattress).
Me: Hello?
Them: Hi, this is Walgreens. We specialize in...blah, blah, blah... (I listened to them extolling the Walgreens chain for about 30 seconds)

I hung up, turned the ringer off.
When I got up a few hours later, I had 3 more calls from the same number and a new message. I punched the buttons to get into my mailbox and sure enough the message was from Walgreens.
This time, instead of going on and on about how great their store was, they cut to the chase and told me I'd won a $30 gift certificate and they would be mailing it to me.
Well that's great, but I'm still confused.
1. Why couldn't they have just left that message the first time they called?
2. Why didn't the person I spoke to on the phone tell me that immediately?
3. Oddly, the message was left after the 10th call, and followed up by an 11th call. Why did they call again after the message?

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